Contemplation is a Being practice.
It is the practice of our spirit.
It's our spiritual practice of dwelling in the spirit.
Our self-help is soul work.
All self-help work is an 'outside in' practice.
It's formation work, temporal work, and it's never ending.
And as we let up, it begins the long slow degrade.
Spiritual work however, is transformative, it's eternal, it never degrades.
All spiritual work is 'inside out' work.
We work it out into our lives, we integrate the transformation God is doing within us.
We liken it to a garden in our heart, growing the Tree of Life (Jesus), or a stream of living water flowing through us, or abiding in the vine. But it always begins in our spirit and it always begins with God.
It is the practice of our spirit.
It's our spiritual practice of dwelling in the spirit.
Our self-help is soul work.
All self-help work is an 'outside in' practice.
It's formation work, temporal work, and it's never ending.
And as we let up, it begins the long slow degrade.
Spiritual work however, is transformative, it's eternal, it never degrades.
All spiritual work is 'inside out' work.
We work it out into our lives, we integrate the transformation God is doing within us.
We liken it to a garden in our heart, growing the Tree of Life (Jesus), or a stream of living water flowing through us, or abiding in the vine. But it always begins in our spirit and it always begins with God.