Saturday, April 18, 2015

Notes: Aristotle, The Tao, and Our Wisdom Voice

In the same way, Aristotle and Plato addressed the perspective of philosophy, so the Tao Te Ching addresses spirituality. Is it divinely written? I don't see that, but it's written out of the person's spirit and holds timeless insights into the nature of things.

An Example would be: "What goes around comes around." ~ Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching  Ch. 30

The Tao is written out of the spirit of the writer and thus teaches the oneness of things which is the nature of our spirit. It is the nature of our spirit to see things as wholes rather than dualistically or  opposites, life's unity rather than it's divisions.

To live out of our spirit is to live out of wholeness. This is the realm of the wise, the sage, and even our elders. Our brains actually begin to change as we get older, thus making this state of oneness or seeing things in wholes more accessible to us. 

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