Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and he will lift you up.The operative word here is 'sight', or 'presence'. We need to be in God's presence first, otherwise it's an exercise of self...a religious exercise for those around us we can be proud of. Like Charles Dickens character Uriah Heep, we can be "so humble," in our spiritual pride. It makes us look good.
God's presence reveals everything as it truly is. Pretense and posturing are highly overrated. They're empty of substance and life.
Humbling our Selves in the presence of God is an outer action of an inner reality, a humble heart.
The humble hearted serve without a thought of them Selves.
Hear it again: The humble hearted never take a thought of themselves. Their focus is on the One they serve.
This is a What If quote.
Blessed are the humble for they will inherit the earth.
God knows he can trust the humble.
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