Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Right Church

I woke up this morning with a dream. A young girl was talking with me passionately seeking the right church. I told her it was a mistake looking for the perfect church because Jesus changes everybody uniquely, and every church is unique. She looked into my eyes with a slight smile and I woke-up.

The simplicity of the Gospel, receiving the seed life of Jesus Christ into our hearts, has the ability to change every person, every culture, in every age, uniquely revealing the Glory of God through every language, people and culture on earth.

As our gathering together as disciples of Jesus is called the Church, some have likened our gatherings to an organism rather than an organization. That's because it's alive with people, families, and cultures transformed by the grace and mercy of God, and structured by the truth, wisdom and the revelation of Jesus in our lives.

Selah: We are held together by the love of God that flows through our lives to each other and into the world. We are constrained by love, empowered and embolden by love. Jesus says, by this all man will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. In fact, Jesus says, "I'm giving you a new commandment, love one another. Just like I've loved you, love one another." This commandment is not an option. It's The non-negotiable. It's the proof. It's the outward expression of the inner reality of our belonging to Jesus. To love like Jesus loves us. He is our master and we are his disciples being trained to love just like he loved.

When we gather, the Church is like a living diamond, cut with endless facets of glory, glowing and pulsating from within.

Jesus used the illustration of wineskins. Animal skins that have the ability to expand with the fermentation of the grape juice transforming into wine. Jesus says new wineskins are for new wine because the old skins will burst with bubbling up of new life. Hinting at tradition, Jesus says people always say the old wine is best. So learn from tradition but don't be bound to it. Follow Jesus.

Restoration is what's in store for the Church. That's what you bring. You bear the life of Jesus Christ in your mortal body. It's why your body is called a temple of the Holy Spirit. If you dare grasp it, you bear the transformation of God to everything around you. You are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. Wake up to who you really are in Jesus our Lord.

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